Monday, June 15, 2009

10 Things Women Should Know About Men.

1. Describing a guy as "cute" is apparently offensive. ;)

2. Men are sensitive in strange ways. If a man can't fix something,he'll actually take it personally.

3. "yes" & "no" are acceptable answers to any question; men aren't big on elaboration.

4. Don't give men too many options; don't ask too many! ;)

5. They have limited sense of direction and time. hehe.. :p

6. Guys don't understand hints, so say what u mean and mean what u say.. just straight to the point.. :)

7. They do kiss and tell (sorry!)

8. If they go quiet, it doesn't mean there's something on their mind. Chances are there's nothing.

9. Whenever men are around,ensure u have food and a footy on hand and all will be well.

10. They are gentlemen in front of single girls, but if u are already taken,they'll treat u like one of the boys! hehe..

do all girls need boys? ;) tetibe je.. huhu!

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